Flower Craft + Multicultural Children’s Book Day

As a mommy of a multicultural family and being an adoptee into a multicultural family, I am so excited to be able to share with…

As a mommy of a
multicultural family and being an adoptee into a multicultural family, I am so
excited to be able to share with you information
about Multicultural Children’s Book Day that is tomorrow, January 27th
2015. Today’s post includes a book review from the MCCBD reading list, an
easy flower craft that can be used to discus diversity with kids, and a fun
song that fits perfectly in our flower and diversity discussion. 

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Before we get started
with the kid activity portion of this post, I thought I would share a little
bit about me so you know why participating in the MCCBD was important to me. When
I was younger I remember my mom telling me I was adopted from Korea, but it
didn’t have any effect on me, it was just a term used to describe how we became
a family. I didn’t realize that this meant I looked different from my parents
(who are Caucasian). I can clearly remember when I became aware of cultural
differences. On the school bus a boy simply asked me, “Why are your eyes
different?” I don’t even know if he was intending to be unpleasant, but I
didn’t know how to answer and I was extremely shy so my only response was to
start crying. I had never considered that my eyes were different. I remember
thinking, “Why does he think my eyes are different?” and “Is
different a bad thing?” 

“It is my hope that by increasing children’s
exposure to diversity through books, no child will ever have to ask, “Why
are your eyes, skin, hair… different?” and cause another child to wonder about themselves, “Is
looking different a bad thing?” 

I have included more information on how you can help celebrate Multicultural Children’s Book Day at the end of this post. Let’s increase multicultural awareness together, one book at a time! 🙂
This picture is of my beautiful niece, holding onto her mommy’s arm. 
Aloha for Carol Ann by Margo Sorenson 
I received a free copy of this book for MCCBD 2015. I was not compensated in any way for this review. All opinions and thoughts are my own. 
In the story, Carol
Ann moves to Hawaii and is hesitant to accept the changes her new environment
presents. Throughout the day she realizes that even though her new classmates
and their traditions are different, being a good friend is still the same no matter where you are.
My daughter loved all
the colorful pictures full of smiling faces. She was able to pick out
characters to represent her, her brother, and all her friends who are all
different ethnicities. This book is fun to read, and works perfectly to discuss diversity, school, friendship, and transitions. 

Flower Craft & Diversity Activity for Kids

Flower stencil (You can make one out of cardboard, or use a cookie cutter)
Craft paper
Paint, markers, or crayons
Paint brush
To prep the activity: Trace 5 flowers on a piece of paper and color them all gray or another dull color. 
1.  Have child trace out 5 flowers on their paper and instruct them to make each flower a different color. 

Questions to Start a Discussion About Diversity

Discussion should be guided to teach friendship, self-esteem, acceptance, and love. Differences make each child special and unique, it is these differences that makes society (our classroom) beautiful as a group (just like the colorful picture). 

What words would you use to describe the solid color picture? (Boring, Ugly, Dark…)
What words would you use to describe your multi-colored picture? (Bright, Cheery, Fun…)
Do real flowers come in all shapes, sizes, and colors? 
Do you like lots of flowers even though they are all different? 
Can you like lots of people even though they are all different?
Think of something you like about yourself that makes you different.

Suggested Song: 

Each of Us is a Flower  by Charlotte Diamond (YouTube video by VannRuskinMusic)

How to Celebrate Multicultural Children’s Book Day

MCCBD Mission

Our mission is to not only raise awareness for the kid’s books that celebrate diversity, but to get more of these of books into classrooms and libraries. (Founders: Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book and Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom

One comment

  1. i love all cultures and how different we are and at the same time how similar we are at the same time

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